A New Vanguard: Transgender Entrepreneurship

In November, Transgender Awareness Month, we saw a burst of attention paid to the social, economic, and political barriers to the success of transgender people. Investors and market-makers would be wise to take note. Transgender founders and their ventures are building successful businesses and growing traction in markets far and wide.

Beyond the economic benefits, the transgender community is becoming increasingly visible and integrated into the fabric of America. According to a 2021 Gallup poll, 31% of Americans report having a friend, relative, or colleague who is transgender. This paradigm shifts when looking forward to the next generations. Half of adults under 30 years old have a transgender person in their lives. Today, more than 2.0 million transgender people live in the United States. And, 1.2 million LGBTQ people identify as nonbinary.

Read our full NASDAQ article here


Policy and Potential: Marriage Rights are a Good Start


LGBTQ+ Financial Strength & Stability