Lola C. West, Financial Industry Powerhouse

We had the pleasure to sit down for a conversation with Lola C. West this month and found ourselves captivated by her presence, her confidence, her experience, and her repeated dropping of f-bombs. Lola is the Chair, Chief Culture Officer, and Co-Founder of Westfuller, an investment advisory and wealth management firm founded in 2011. Lola her co-founder aptly and proudly refer to Westfuller as a Black-owned, multi-racial, gender diverse, independent, and objective firm. One of the first things Lola shared in this interview was this: “I'm black first, a woman second, and gay third. Early in my career, they didn't know what to do with me.”


Forward Motion in Capturing LGBTQ+ Identity Hasn’t Reached Financial Services Yet


Investor Demand for LGBTQ+ Investment